Talk Mental Health
People often don’t know how to discuss mental health without making assumptions, becoming paternalistic, or being invasive.
Dan’s mental health communication programs use conflict resolution best practices to help people have empowering interactions about mental health.

Address Challenging Behaviors
Professionals often improvise based on their biased gut feelings when they react to emergencies, disruptions, and disconnects.
Dan’s challenging behavior programs provide tools to plan objective, impartial, and effective responses to challenging behaviors.

Become Accessible
Processes are often designed in inflexible ways that don’t work well for everyone’s mental health needs.
Dan’s accessibility programs teach a flexible, universal design approach to adjusting processes so people can get their needs met without being forced to disclose their conditions.

Reduce Stigma
Society is filled with prejudicial messages promoting stigmatizing attitudes toward people living with mental health conditions.
Dan provides contact education by living openly with his bipolar disorder to dispel these stereotypes. His anti-stigma work focuses on helping people cope with interpersonal losses due to stigma.

Correct Discrimination
Publishers often inadvertently disseminate guidance that advises professionals treat people with mental health problems differently based on biased assumptions.
Dan’s anti-discrimination efforts collaborate with publishers to update or remove this inappropriate material.

Overcome Coercion
There are power imbalances throughout every relationship, and sometimes they lead to coercive behaviors which make it hard for individuals to make their own choices.
Dan’s coercion work collects tools to help people notice these behaviors early on and mitigate them during conflicts.